Saturday, April 18, 2009

Horse rides...

So we have had another eventful week. It has been nice weather here so we have gone for a walk every morning and a bike ride almost every evening. We cleaned up our neighborhood block in lieu of earth month one day and had plenty of park days as well. Hailey and Rob had a date to the Gem and Mineral show at the fairgrounds ( she is a rock lover). That was fun for them.

Today we went in the morning to Hailey's school for a family clean-up day and then took Miranda to gymnastics, picked up Ivy so she could have a nap and Jenn could help Darin, and laid the kids down for a nap. Later we took Ivy back to Jenn and headed out to a neighbor of my parents for the kids to ride their horses. It was a blast and all was going swell, until Lilly got bucked off. She was pretty lucky because she was close to being stepped on, but other than a scratched cheek, she's fine! Thank goodness! Then the guys (Rob, Dad, Rich, and Darin) met at Greenies and took out Darin's Kayak's on the Columbia and then had dinner at Zip's. Us girls went out to Mom's and had pizza. It was fun and I am a bit pooped.

Oh , Rob just came up to go to bed and is going to give me a back massage so adios! (I have the best husband!)


  1. Last night was fun. I love hanging out with you guys, every time we get together it is a big treat! I love you girls!

  2. AAAWWWW we love you too! See ya tonight! Picnic at the park!

  3. Sorry about the horse incident. Tyson was bucked off a horse about a year ago and was stepped on, but fortunately he was in a big bush with lots of fall leaves underneath so barely got bruised. He won't ride with his uncle and will only ride a certain horse now, but at least he is riding again. BriAnn loves the horses, too.

    How are you involved in PTA? Just curious about your comment on my blog entry a while ago. How is school going? How is the pregnancy?
